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Mechanical Design

Mechanical Design

Strong mechanical design skills and standards are the primary focus in the New River Engineering Design program. Coupled with the technical design skills is a strong emphasis in 3D modeling, animation and presentation.

“At the end of the day every company and every firm has to market and sell the capabilities that it has to continue to win more projects. Our students come out of the Engineering Design Technology program with a diverse set of skills and can bring these to the table at very high level of proficiency,” states the Engineering Design Technology program head Jeff Levy.

New River’s two-year Engineering Design Technology degree has more core classes “Engineering Design Technology” and “ARC” than many four- year schools in the country. They work with real world projects both individually and in team environments their second year.

These projects are highlighted by two capstone projects in their fourth semester with team special projects such as reverse engineering a U.S. Navy nuclear submarine or designing the next generation (UCAV) unmanned combat air vehicle. In addition, there is a final individual project of their choosing that is guided by their advisor.

Mechanical Design Images

Mechanical Pencil
Bicycle version 2
Front Landing Gear
Arbor Press Explode
Arbor Press Assembly
Parallel Puller
Rotary Tool
Trigger Frame and Trigger
Full Render
202 Valve
Arc Welding Robot Concept
Exploded Assembly
CAD 202
Parallel Puller 1
Parallel Puller 2
Mechanical Pencil Assembly
Mechanical Pencil Parts Sheet 1
Mechanical Pencil Exploed View
Mechanical Pencil Full Assembly and Section
Mechanical Golden Pencil
Pencil Render
Mechanical Pencil Parts Sheet 2
Pump Assembly 1
Pump Assembly 2
Mechanical Pencil 2
Robotic Arm
Robotic Arm Project
Robotic Arm Part Sheet
Robotic Arm 2
Robotic Arm 3
Rotary Tool
Tool 2
Two-Arm Two-Arm Parallel Puller
Tool Show

Truck Designed for VOLVO
by Instructors Jeff Levy and John Spiker

Truck concept front design
Truck concept front 2
Truck Concept
Truck extreme 1
Truck extreme 2

Engineering Design Technology Contact Information

General questions and requests about Engineering Design Technology should be directed to Jeff Levy 1-866-462-6722, extension 4362, or (540) 674-3600, extension 4362.
You may also email jlevy@dlokoko.com.

Engineering Design Technology Faculty

Call (540) 674-3600 or toll-free 1-866-462-6722, then you will be prompted to add the extension number to reach any employee.

Douglas Conner


Adjunct Instructor

Employee Photo

Tim Downey


Adjunct Instructor

Employee Photo

Jeff Levy


Instructor of Drafting/EDT Program Head

Employee Photo

Zach Wehr


Adjunct Instructor

 No Picture of Employee


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十大网赌软件推荐 IN DUBLIN:

  •  5251 College Drive
  •  Dublin, VA 24084
  •  (540) 674-3600
  •  Toll Free: 866-462-6722
  •  Fax: (540) 674-3602
  •  Directions


  •  782 New River Road NW, Suite 400
  •  Christiansburg, VA 24073
  •  (540) 674-3610
  •  Fax: (540) 381-7128
  •  Directions
  •  More...

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